This week is Spring Break for my husband and daughter. I am hoping that my husband and my Mom can have dinners ready when I get home from work. So I needed to plan some simple meals.
Here it is:
MondayRoast turkey breast (done)
Cornbread dressing (ready to go in oven)
steamed veggie
strawberries and pound cake
TuesdayMeatloafmashed potatoes
steamed veggie
WednesdayHomemade pizza
ThursdayCountry Fried steak and gravymashed potatoes
steamed veggie
home fried potatoes and onions
SundaySteak (unless we make it to the store for a ham)
mashed potatoes
steamed veggie
To get more menu ideas, be sure to visit Menu Plan Monday over at
I'm and Organizing Junkie.
Have a great week and a Happy Easter!