I got on allrecipes.com and started searching recipes by ingredient and came up with some menus for this week. I really love being able to find recipes by just typing in what I have on hand. Try it some time!
cereal with milk
granola bars
instant oatmeal
bagels with cream cheese
toaster strudels
raisin toast
Progresso soups
PB and J sandwiches
Egg salad sandwiches
carrot sticks
Braised Balsamic Chicken, rice, steamed veggie
Pizza, salad
Apricot Chicken, sugar snap peas, salad, biscuits
Chipped beef with gravy over toast, steamed veggie
Spaghetti sauce, noodles, salad, homemade bread
Pancakes, Canadian bacon, fruit
Tangy chicken fajitas
Get more great menu ideas from I'm an Organizing Junkie--Menu Plan Monday.
Have a great week!