Here are some updated pictures from my Square Foot Garden. It really has grown quite a bit since
my last post. The English peas are gone--they were spent and it is now far too hot. I took all of these pictures with my new camera--the
Canon Rebel T1i. I still have lots to learn about the camera.

I can't believe how
BIG the tomato plants have gotten! We have lots of blooms and have even harvested a few cherry tomatoes and jalapeno peppers. So far, I have only found one green tomato worm, but it is hard to find them since the plants are so large.

I am waiting on the pepper shown below to turn yellow. It is taking its sweet time...

Cherry tomatoes getting ripe!

I really have no idea why I am still getting lettuce. We have had many days near or at 90 degrees. I can only guess that the plentiful rain is helping and this bed gets some afternoon shade.

I need to pick lettuce this weekend!

Now for some pictures of flowers from around my house. Enjoy!

Have a great weekend and get outside in
your garden!