Thursday, July 30, 2009

Blogging Break

I have had an unintentional blogging break. The last two weeks have been incredibly busy. Last week I spent time with my daughter shopping for new clothes and taking her to some appointments, and this week is my first week back to work after my 7 week leave of absence . Every day at work has been too long!

But, tomorrow I am off and guess what I will be doing....

Putting up tomatoes in my freezer. I am overrun with tomatoes and I have been giving lots away. I have quite a bit of Romas, so I am going to freeze them. They work great in homemade spaghetti sauce and soups.

1 comment:

cookiesandmilk said...

I would love to see a post on how you will be storing your tomatoes because this is my first year of having a successful garden and I'm also feeling overrun with tomatoes and cucumbers! What to do what to do :)