Monday, November 17, 2008

Making Pancakes by Candlelight

For some inexplicable reason, our power went out this evening. It was about 6:15 p.m. EST. The weather was perfectly clear and cold. My daughter was doing homework in her room, and I was at the stove cooking our dinner. Pancakes and sausage. After a brief stunned moment, I grabbed a lighter and my daughter and I found the candles and flashlights.

My pancakes and sausage continued to cook, since I have a gas stove. I managed to get enough light just in time to save the pancakes from burning. I continued cooking and the whole family ate pancakes and sausage by candlelight.

We then cleaned our kitchen by candlelight.

I needed to get a whole chicken on to cook for our dinner tomorrow night, so my hubby and I cleaned the chicken, chopped onion and celery and then got the chicken on to boil--all by candlelight.

The power finally came back on about 7:45 p.m. I am's gonna be cold tonight!

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